Article by-Gorman Abildgaard

In addition to their usefulness for eating, your teeth are often the first thing people notice about you. A great smile can put others at ease and build your self-confidence. If you take care of your teeth, they can be an asset for a lifetime. Read these tips for the best smile possible.

Fluoride helps promote strong, healthy teeth. If fluoride is not added to your public water supply, you will be more susceptible to tooth decay. You could for instance use some toothpaste that contains fluoride. You can also get a mouthwash that contains fluoride.

A good dentist can help protect your beautiful smile. When searching for a dentist, there are several good resources available to help you. Ask your primary-care doctor for a referral to a good dentist in your area. You may also want to ask your insurance carrier for recommendations of a dentist.

If you’re a lady that wears lipstick, you can use it to make it look like your teeth are healthier. Red lipsticks help the teeth to appear to be whiter than they are. Light colors do the opposite. Even white teeth can appear yellow.

When picking out your next tooth brush, make sure to avoid one that is too hard. Professionals recommend that you use either a soft or medium-soft brush regularly. The hard bristles can be way too tough on your gums and can also wear away at the enamel covering your teeth!

If you require a filling in one or more of your teeth, choose wisely. Tooth-colored composite fillings are an attractive, discrete option. However, this type of filling also happens to be less durable than most metal fillings. Metal fillings are also a better option for larger areas. Remember, looks aren’t everything!

Drink your milk! Calcium plays a role in the hardness of bones and teeth, so you should ensure that you’re getting enough dairy in your diet. It is also said that those with a high-dairy diet end up with fewer other health related problems, so enjoy a glass of skim milk today!

Eating when you’re not hungry not only adds weight, but can also increase your risk of cavities. If you snack throughout the day, you expose your teeth to more cavity-causing bacteria, sugars and acid. Thus, you should eat only when you’re hungry in order to protect your dental health.

If you notice that you are getting a lot of cavities, it may be time to change what you are drinking. Carbonated soft drinks break down the enamel on your teeth and should be avoided to help protect your dental health. If you must drink a carbonated soft drink, immediately brush your teeth after drinking a serving.

To keep your teeth healthy and free of cavities you should avoid drinking flavored fruit juices. Fruit juices contain tons of cavity-causing sugars. In fact, although fruit juices sound as if they are good for you, in reality, they have just as much sugar as soda pop. Drink water instead.

When brushing teeth, don’t do it for less than the two minutes you need. The longer you brush your teeth, the cleaner they will be so make sure you do it right. If you don’t brush long enough, you can leave a lot of plaque or food behind.

If you are afraid of needles, discuss sedation dentistry with your dentist before having any major work done. Sedation dentistry allows you to take a small pill that helps you to relax before your appointment. It is safe for most individuals, and it can make a dental visit much less stressful.

Use a small amount of toothpaste when you brush. While it may seem like more toothpaste would clean teeth better, it will not. The phrase, “less is more” works best when brushing your teeth. All you need is a pea-sized amount of toothpaste in the middle of your toothbrush for optimal cleaning.

Your teeth need a lot of calcium to stay healthy and strong. You should consume at least 1,000 mg of calcium daily. To help get the necessary calcium eat a diet rich in dairy products, such as milk, yogurt and cheeses along with green leafy vegetables, such as kale, spinach and greens.

Avoid eating sticky sweets that may get stuck between your teeth and hard foods that can crack them. Smoking and drinking certain beverages, like red wine and coffee can stain your teeth. Eat a high calcium diet and get an adequate amount of Vitamin C. Crunchy fruits and vegetables can clean your teeth naturally.

When your baby is six months old, it’s time for their first dentist visit. This starts them on the road to good dental health by inspecting the gums and preparing you for teething. Bring them back every six months for the rest of their childhood and they’ll never have dental issues.

There are some snacks that are beneficial to your teeth. An apple is a good example of a food with excellent oral benefits. Raw vegetables, like broccoli and carrots are great for snacking. Foods that are crunchy like this will clean your teeth when you eat them. Additionally, they contain Vitamin C which will help increase dental health.

Make sure you change your toothbrush every two months or so. If you use an electric toothbrush, change the head as often. The bristles become frayed and less effective. They can also be tougher to clean properly, making them a haven for bacteria, so throw them out after two months.

Smoking not only causes discoloration of the teeth, it can create serious dental problems. who smoke have an increased risk of gingivitis and oral cancer. Receding gums can leave the root of your teeth exposed, increase dental sensitivity and promote tooth decay. Smoking also inhibits healing after oral surgery.

Without flossing, it is impossible to have adequate dental hygiene over the long term. austin tx emergency dentist will gather in the spaces between your teeth, wearing away at your teeth and causing gum disease over time. Even if you brush once or twice a day, without flossing, your dental health will suffer as time goes by.